5 stones to boost your immune system

With the arrival of winter, and the threat of the coronavirus still hovering over our heads, many of us will undoubtedly be looking for alternatives to modern medicine, not to replace, but to support our efforts to remain in health and boost our immune system.

The immune system is the defense system of the human body. It protects us from the first hours of life, and constantly, from external aggressions such as bacteria, viruses and fungi.

A balanced lifestyle, a healthy diet, regular exercise are all ways to take care of our immune system.

Lithotherapy, which is part of a holistic healing process using crystals, can support the immune system by giving it a boost that we so badly need at this time of year.

A holistic approach takes into consideration the whole being and heals on physical, psychological and emotional levels. A healthy mind in a healthy body; one does not go without the other!

Here are five crystals that can help you boost your immune system and survive the cold season and runny noses!


Amethyst strengthens the immune system and is a natural tranquilizer that calms the nervous system and relieves stress. According to the principles of holistic healing to heal the symptoms of a cold, it is important to also heal the mental and psychic aspects of the body. So, in a period where cough, fever and runny nose are words and actions that can bring us stress, relieving the effects and bringing calm and serenity can only be beneficial.

Amethyst is a stone of protection, which blocks negative energies and has strong purification powers. It regulates the intestinal flora and purifies the organs.


Aquamarine is particularly helpful in relieving excessive immune reactions like asthma and allergies.

Paired with emerald, its power is increased. Together, these stones help fight throat and sinus infections and help you get back on your feet quickly after a cold.

Known as a stone of courage, aquamarine will give you the strength necessary to face any challenge, whether it is a personal or professional challenge, or even simply dealing with a household with a cold!


Placed on the body where it needs to be cared for, lepidolite offers a gentle vibration that relieves allergies, strengthens the immune system and alleviates the exhaustion that can affect us when the entire household is suffering from a cold.

To alleviate sleep problems, place this stone under your pillow. This will help you get more restful sleep, which will help you get back on your feet more quickly.


Malachite is a stone with numerous healing properties and versatile powers. Particularly useful for cramps, it treats asthma, strengthens the immune system, stimulates the liver to eliminate toxins and reduces tissue acidity.

Lapis lazuli

Lapis lazuli relieves pain, especially migraines. This stone is beneficial for the respiratory system, throat, larynx and immune system. It alleviates insomnia. 

Photo by Matthew Henry for Unsplash

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